Need to handle data in Base64 format? Our site is your one-stop solution for all things Base64! Whether you need to decode data back to its original form or encode it into Base64, our platform makes it as simple as a few clicks.
Why Base64?
Base64 encoding is a technique that transforms binary data into a text-friendly format. This is particularly useful when dealing with data that needs to be safely transported over media meant for text. Common applications include email (via MIME), and storing intricate data in XML or JSON files.
Features You'll Love
- Line-by-Line Decode: Decode individual lines separated by line breaks, safeguarding the integrity of your data.
- Live Mode: Decode or encode data instantly in your browser, without server interaction.
Base64 Details
Base64 is not just a single scheme but a category of encoding methods. It's designed to represent binary data in an ASCII string format by translating it into a Base64 representation. A 24-bit buffer is used to hold three 8-bit bytes, which are then converted into four Base64-encoded characters.
המילה "Man" מומרת ל-"TWFu" ב-Base64. ב-ASCII, לאותיות "M", "a" ו-"n" יש ערכי בתים 77, 97, 110. אלה מיוצגים בבינארי כ-"01001101","01100001", ו-"01101110". תהליך הקידוד של Base64 ממיר אותם ל-"TWFu".
Base64 Encoding Table
If you're interested in how the Base64 encoding work, take a look at this table. It shows the 64 characters used in the Base64 alphabet and their corresponding index values.
How Does Text Become Base64?
Have you ever wondered how regular text like "TEXT" turns into something that looks like gibberish, such as "VEVYVA=="? That's the magic of Base64 encoding! Don't worry, it's not as complicated as it sounds. Let's break it down step-by-step.
Step 1: ASCII Values
Each letter on your keyboard corresponds to a number known as its
ASCII value. For example,
the ASCII value for 'T' is 84, for 'E' it's 69, and so on. So, our text "TEXT" becomes a series of
T = 84, E = 69, X = 88, T = 84
Step 2: Binary Conversion
Computers speak the language of 0s and 1s, known as binary. So, we
convert these numbers to
T (84) = 01010100
E (69) = 01000101
X (88) = 01011000
T (84) = 01010100
Step 3: Combine the Binary
We then combine these binary numbers into one long string:
01010100 01000101 01011000 01010100
Step 4: Divide into 6-bit Groups
Base64 encoding takes this long binary string and divides it into smaller chunks of 6 bits each. If the last chunk doesn't have 6 bits, we add zeros to fill it up.
Step 5: Convert to Decimal
Each of these 6-bit groups is then converted back to a decimal number (a number like the ASCII values).
Step 6: Base64 Characters
Finally, we use these decimal numbers to pick corresponding characters from the Base64 table, which contains a set of 64 different characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9, +, /).
Step 7: Padding
If the Base64 output isn't a multiple of 4 characters, we add "=" symbols at the end to make it so.
Following these steps, our text "TEXT" becomes "VEVYVA==". Voila! Now you know how regular text turns into Base64. You can try encoding other words and see what they look like in Base64!